Monday, January 26, 2009

assignement # 4

Hanad had a really nice blog for the assignment 3. He talk a lot about how there will be new discoveries and better cars. My favourite line in is blog entry is when he said"There will be better history for the teacher's and student's because of the historic election." I thought that that was really cool and so true. The only thing that I suggest for Hanad is that he explains a little bit more about what the new discoveries will be about.

Andi's blog entry about what he thinks that it will be like 2109 was really cool and had some interesting points. My favourite part was when he said that he thinks there will be medicine that will keep us alive longer."I think theres going to be pills that make you live longer until like 135 years old."[SIC] Andi had a lot of other great ideas on his blog.

In 2109 i believe there will be all new technology, like talking robot butlers, rocket cars, floating cities, and who knows, maybe we will be trading stocks with martians! This is part of Coltons very interesting blog entry. He thinks that there will be a lot of great new thing but he would be alive to see them. I think his entry was very cool and I loved that he talked about martins.

These are some of the great blogs done by some of the kids in E7A you should check them out.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Good job sam you were right those 3 blogs did have good ideas about 2109. bye